Episode 108



15 August 2022

54 mins 49 secs

Your Hosts

About this Episode

✓ Koja je svrha fentanila u stimulativnim sredstvima?
✓ Zašto davanje dozvole za ubijanje zdravstvenim radnicima možda nije dobra ideja?
✓ Da li smo u najboljem ili najgorem od svetova?

Episode Links

  • 'Disturbing': Experts troubled by Canada’s euthanasia laws | AP News — Canada’s road to allowing euthanasia began in 2015, when its highest court declared that outlawing assisted suicide deprived people of their dignity and autonomy. It gave national leaders a year to draft legislation. The resulting 2016 law legalized both euthanasia and assisted suicide for people aged 18 and over provided they met certain conditions: They had to have a serious condition, disease or disability that was in an advanced, irreversible state of decline and enduring “unbearable physical or mental suffering that cannot be relieved under conditions that patients consider acceptable.” Their death also had to be “reasonably foreseeable,” and the request for euthanasia had to be approved by at least two physicians. The law was later amended to allow people who are not terminally ill to choose death, significantly broadening the number of eligible people. Critics say that change removed a key safeguard aimed at protecting people with potentially years or decades of life left.
  • Alec MacGillis on Twitter — Have often wondered the same thing as Janan Ganesh
  • The vibes theory of politics | Financial Times — For a sense of how little I believe in belief, here is an experiment that I have been running in my head for two years. Imagine, at the start of the pandemic, that Donald Trump had shut his country down and Angela Merkel had kept hers open. He justified his action as a protector of the homeland while she stressed liberal ideals. (“As a girl in East Germany, I saw the human cost of draconian . . . ”)